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​Plan & Play Meetings

This is a time to discuss club business. We usually have an activity, demo from a local vendor or a guest speaker. We usually have a great turn out so it's a wonderful time to get to know current members.


Play dates

What a great way for your kids to make friends and for you to get to know other moms as well. We offer various different play dates from aged based, to craft group, breakfast club and lunch bunch so there is always something for everyone.


Field Trips

Our club plans at least two field trips a month. It is a great way to explore local activities. Some of our past trips have been to the fire house, a children's theater, pizza restaurant and visits to a local farm.


Moms Night Out

This is a great way to relax without the kids and get to know other club members on a deeper level. Moms night out are held once a month. In the past we've had dinner and drinks, painting classes, zip lining, bowling and aerial yoga.


Service Projects

We participate in several different service projects throughout the year. The projects are to benefit both our local community and children nationally.

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