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Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is MOMS Club?
A:   MOMS Club is a group dedicated to supporting at-home moms.  We meet during daylight hours during the week, when at-home moms need the support the most.


Q: Why do you require a home address in order to join?

A: Due to MOMS Club regulations, first step we take is to ask for your address to make sure you fall within our clubs boundaries. We are lucky in Olney to have several clubs serving our area. If it turns out you are not in the Olney Elem, Sherwood Elem, or Laytonsville boundaries we will happily put you in touch with the MOMS Club for your area.


Q:  What are the Moms in your club like?

A:  Meeting new people can be intimidating – but not us, we promise! We are a very down-to-earth, caring, and welcoming group of moms. We range in age from our late-20's to mid-40's. Some of us have just had our first baby and others have teenagers. One thing we all have in common is a strong commitment to raising our kids the very best way we can and supporting each other through the process.

Q:  How often would I be required to attend?
 A:  There are no requirements. How much you participate is up to you, the experience will largely be what you make of it.  Whether you attend a few activities a year or come regularly and develop lasting friendships, every mom has the right to take what she wants from her MOMS Club membership. For those that participate, there are lots of fun times and socialization to be experienced!

Q:  Are the events geared for moms or for kids?
A:  First things first:  MOMS Club is for Moms.  That said, moms hang out with their kids all the time, so it would be silly not to account for them at our activities.  We do many activities that kids enjoy, such as field trips, going to local parks, playgroups, crafts, etc.  While those things are our bread and butter, we also try to strike a balance between things kids enjoy and things that keep moms engaged, too.


Q: Can my Nanny or Au-Pair attend the events and/or play dates?

A: As stated above, Moms club is for Moms and/or Dads. The membership does not cover a Nanny or Au-Pair.  That being said, our club is able to vote others in on a case by case basis.

Q:  Can my kids come to all the events, even MOM focused events or business meetings?
A:  Yes, children are welcome at ALL events.  We expect children to be there and provide entertainment for them even if we’re doing a mom activity (usually in the form of toys and the other children!).  The only exception is our monthly MOMS Night Out; children do not normally attend these events.

Q:  How much does it cost to join?
A:  Our dues are $25.00 per year. We use the dues collected to pay for room rentals, supplies, and service projects.  We are an IRS-registered non-profit group, so any money collected for the MOMS Club® will be used exclusively for our programs and projects.  We understand being a mother “at home” often means a tight family budget so, if the dues are a hardship for your family, please talk to one of the members on the executive board. 

Q:  Why must I attend an event before joining?  Why don’t you post your prospective member events publicly?
A:  Because the safety of our members and our children is our number one concern.  We need to know that you’re a real mom with kids.  Once you’re a member, you will know that we’ve confirmed that every person in the group is a real mom.  We also don’t publicly post our prospective member events because we try to make it difficult for the creepy people to find us when we’re out in public.  Safety first!

Q:  Is the group only open to stay-at-home moms?
A:  No, as per our bylaws, our membership is open at any mom in our chapter’s area. However, our activities are during the week, during daylight hours, the times that stay at home moms are traditionally on their own. We have one Moms night out event per month.  We have mothers who stay home full time, mothers who work part time, from home, and even some full time working moms.


Q: I own a home-based business, this sounds like a perfect place to sell my product. Can I do that? 

A. The MOMS Club Roster is protected by MOMS Club, you may not send or solicit members in any way. This protects the privacy of all members.


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